?Crunchyroll? The Breakfast Club Movie Online

The Breakfast Club ?Crunchyroll?




  • Country=USA
  • cast=Molly Ringwald
  • Rating=336905 vote
  • Runtime=97 Minutes
  • Director=John Hughes




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The Breakfast Club Movie online poker. Watch the breakfast club movie online for free. The breakfast club movie online free. I just can"t think of the words properly to describe this movie. Firstly, they all didn"t get along by saying nasty things to each other and John Bender being such a complete dope to them all especially that teacher who was supervising them. Then the five of them were getting high and dancing all over the place with 80"s songs playing in the background like lunatics! Finally at the end, they get all lovey dovey with this order emo girl/jock and prep girl/bad boy. Good mix but it was very unexpected from a teenage film like this! I wouldn"t call this film "The Breakfast Club" I would call it the "Bad Teen Club. I"m serious, the name sounds cheesy but I suppose interesting at the same time. I did enjoy it but I felt a lot of mixed vibes while watching this movie.

As a teen, I love this movie. It isn"t your typical falling love kind of story. It is at times dark and depicts teen life extremely well, as opposed to other teen movies. This is a great movie to watch for anyone. 10/10.

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